Panel 1: In
the clearly symbolic title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic,
Marie peeks around a wall at Casey, who is talking on his phone as he
stands on a diving board extending out over a lava pit. Rahim is
watching Marie, puzzled. In the seething lava are the words "West of
Bathurst by Kari Maaren."
Panel 2: Back
in reality, Marie is in the Davies College basement, hiding behind a
wall, listening to Casey talk on the phone. Rahim approaches Marie.
Panel 3:
Rahim: Problem?
Marie: Casey's talking to his mom.
Panel 4:
Rahim: And this warrants spying?
Marie: Have you never heard Casey talk to his mom?
Panel 5:
Rahim: I don't see why--
Marie: Listen.
Panel 6:
Casey [into the phone]: You can't
install a diving board. Because the lava will obliterate it, that's
why! Look...have you thought of adding spikes instead? No, the ones
with the hooked points and the poison.
Panel 7:
Rahim: "That was weird" seems like such an inadequate response.
Marie [throws up her hands]: And you didn't even catch the bit about the tadpoles.
Then there was the part when the giant squid erupted out of the pho--er, nothing.