Panel 1: Marie
and Stella are in the Davies College common room, decorating for the
Hallowe'en party. Marie is stretching out some fake spider webs; Stella
holds a jack o' lantern.
Marie: Did Joe buy the candy?
Stella: Was he supposed to?
Panel 2:
Marie: You were going to tell him.
Stella: Uh...
Panel 3: Marie massages her forehead.
Marie: ...We have no candy for the Hallowe'en party.
Stella: Did you order the keg.
Panel 4: Marie's eyes go huge as Paul turns up, clutching some decorations
Marie: Uh...
Stella: No candy and no beer.
Paul: At least we've got these strings of lights shaped like little pumpkins.
Alt-Text: The ideal Massey/Davies party would probably actually involve candy filled with beer.