Panel 1: At
the Davies College Hallowe'en party, Casey, who is dressed as Mr.
Incredible, approaches Rahim and Barbara, who are in ordinary clothes
but wearing nametags.
Casey: No costumes again, I see.
Barbara: Untrue. Together, we are existentialism.
Panel 2:
Casey: Existentialism.
Barbara: Observe.
Panel 3: Rahim and Barbara point to their nametags.
Rahim: "Hello, my name is God."
Barbara: "Hello, my name is Man."
Panel 4:
Barbara [jerks a thumb at Rahim]: I'll be killing him later this evening.
Casey [leaves]: Yeah, I'm going over here now.
An alternate version of this costume would involve the person playing
God wearing the nametag but also dressing up as a zombie. However, that
would be FAR too much work for Barbara and Rahim.