Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies College, Marie stands talking to Barbara.
Marie: Rahim was supposed to be here--
Barbara: So was Casey. Never mind. I'm too freaked out to hold a conversation.
Panel 2:
Barbara: I'm about to spend two hours in a romm with seven people bent on my destruction. Kill me now.
Panel 3:
Marie: They're not bent on your destruction.
Barbara: They are a lidless eye that will pin me under its deadly gaze, naked, immovable.
Panel 4:
Marie: Wby do you always revert to Lord of the Rings fandom when you're stressed?
Barbara: I must fling the thesis into the Committee of Doom!
Alt-Text: Myyyyyyyyyy prrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeecccccciiiiiiiioooooouuuuusssssssss...