Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Rahim and Casey are
sitting on the floor of the elevator in which they are trapped. The
words "WEST OF BATHURST BY KARI MAAREN" have been scratched into the
...And you would think that maybe someone would eventually go, "Hey,
that elevator hasn't moved for five hours," but no, it seems everyone
in this building is unobservant. And another thing...
Panel 2: Rahim and Casey continue to sit in the elevator.
Rahim: We've missed Barbara's defence.
Casey: It seems so.
Panel 3:
Rahim: Why haven't we been rescued yet?
Casey: Well, the intercom is broken, and I have no reception on--
Panel 4:
Rahim: It was a rhetorical question, Casey.
Casey: I know.
Panel 5:
By replying to your increasingly frantic comments with disarming
naivete, I hope to counter some of the justified but upsetting effects
of your righteous anger.
Panel 6: Rahim stares at Casey, who is smiling brightly.
Panel 7: Rahim buries his face in his hands.
Rahim: Oh's working.
Casey: I have a gift.
Alt-Text: Come on...who could resist that smile? There is no calculation in that smile! Well...maybe a little.