Panel 1: On the fourteenth floor of Marie's building, Marie and Barbara are outside one of the elevators.
Barbara: Hello? Rahim? Satan?
Marie: We must have jumped to conclusions; the elevator's not here.
Panel 2: They take the elevator up to Marie's floor.
Marie: Where are they, then...? Well, maybe we'll find a message up at my place.
Panel 3: Marie and Barbara approach Marie's apartment. They find Rahim and Casey waiting outside. Rahim points dramatically at Casey.
Rahim: Congratulations on your defence, which I assume you passed! I just spent five and a half hours in an elevator with that! I defy all narrative contrivances!
Panel 4:
Barbara: Why did we want to find them again?
Casey: I brought back your DVD; look.
I have the feeling Rahim's really beginning to enjoy this whole