I have altered the three-year-old FAQ page a bit to make it less obviously out of date. |
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 |
Panel 1: At
the Davies College talent auction, Marie and Rahim are looking at the
programme as the bidding continues under the supervision of the
auctioneer, Baldwin. Baldwin: Two hundred and thirty! Marie: The bidding's going pretty high. Panel 2: Baldwin: Two fifty! Rahim: Well, there are quite a few wealthy people in the room. And it's for a good cause. Panel 3: Baldwin: Two eighty! Marie: What's on the block right now? Panel 4: Baldwin: Three hundred! Rahim: Kazoo lessons. Marie: A damn good cause, I'm suspecting. Alt-Text: This sort of thing really does happen at the talent auction. Admittedly, I haven't ever seen anyone auction off kazoo lessons, but this year, someone put his services as an imposter up for sale, and someone else auctioned off a $20 bill (I can't remember how much it went for, but it was quite a bit more than $20). I heartily approve of both these items, of course. Go to commentary |