Update on site-based stupidity: still no word
on when, if ever, the old version of the site will be replaced by
redirects; its files are still missing on FTP. The domains http://www.westofbathurst.com and http://www.westofbathurst.ca now both point to this page, which has been renamed (the URL http://www.masseycollege.ca/alumni/westofbathurst.html willredirect you here after a brief wait). Thank you, Faithful Reader SunshineRain, for pointing out the bizarre thematic coincidence now occurring over at Piled Higher and Deeper. Curiouser and curiouser indeed.* *Jorge Cham has his character Cecilia change "Curiouser and curiouser" to "More and more curious," which is, of couse, the grammatically correct version of "Curiouser and curiouser." I cannot help but be vastly amused that Cecilia has done this. She's a grad student, so I suspect she can't help herself. |
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 |
Panel 1: At the Davies College Winter Ball, Casey approaches Marie, who is dressed as Alice from the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland. Casey: Wasn't that your Hallowe'en costume? Marie: I went as Alice before I knew about the Winter Ball's theme. I decided to recycle the outfit tonight. Panel 2: Casey: But you're the Disney Alice. The ball is specifically celebrating the Tenniel illustrations. Marie: It's not a big deal, Casey. Panel 3: Marie is suddenly flanked by Wendy, who is dressed as the Queen of Hearts, and a young woman dressed as the Tenniel Alice. Wendy: Ooh, major faux pas! Alice: Do you know what horrors Disney visited upon my beloved Alice? You deserve death! Panel 4: Casey [smirks]: Welcome to Davies, where the fine print really, really matters. Marie: With each passing day, my hatred for you grows stronger and more pure. Alt-Text: I actually don't know whether the Massey Winter Ball will be based SPECIFICALLY on Tenniel, but if it were, I can almost guarantee that a conversation very similar to this one would occur at some point in the evening. Go to commentary |