Wednesday, February
17, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 |
Panel 1: Marie is talking to her therapist while restlessly prowling all over the office.
Marie: Look...I'm fine with Casey. My crush on him is long gone.
Therapist: The crush is immaterial.
Panel 2:
Marie: What does that mean?
Therapist: You used to trust him implicitly. Then...he did what he did.
Panel 3:
Marie: I'm over it.
Therapist: Are you? Do you trust him now or not?
Panel 4:
Marie: ...Forty-two?
Therapist: Most people would just have whimpered pitifully.
Alt-Text: One thing about Marie is that she definitely doesn't know where her towel is.

Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014