Congratulations to the winners of the Massey Murder
Game, which has ended, mercifully. I also must say: That. Was a freaking. GREAT. Hockey game. |
Monday, March 1, 2010 |
Panel 1: Marie is reading a book in her favourite Davies College basement nook. Baldwin runs frantically by. Baldwin: She's coming! She's unstoppable! Help me! Panel 2: Marie: What, Frankie? Baldwin: Frankie? She can't play; she's an alum now. No, I'm talking about-- Panel 3: Sara comes out of nowhere, bears down on Baldwin, and tags him on the shoulder. Baldwin: OhnoshewentaroundshewentaroundaaaarghNOOOOOOOO! Panel 4: Sara walks calmly away. Marie: This is getting surreal. Baldwin: People call her shy! She's not shy! She's a monster! Baldwin: ....I may need dry pants. Alt-Text: To an outside observer, the reactions of Murder Game participants to imminent death can be hilarious. The participants themselves feel rather differently about it. I have witnessed a LOT of anguished screaming. Go to commentary |