Panel 1: Somewhere
in Davies College, Master Ramsay goes whooshing back and forth past
Marie and Casey. As usual, he is represented simply by a giant
"whoosh." He is, this time, accompanied by three people represented by
little "zips."
Ramsay: HellocolleagueshaveyounoticedtheconstructionIamveryconcernedaboutitsnegativeeffectsonthe-- [Translation for screen readers: Hello colleagues have you noticed the construction I am very concerned about its negative effects on the--]
Little Zip 1: Hi!
Little Zip 2: Drills!
Little Zip 3: Loudness!
Panel 2:
Ramsay: --collegecommunityherehaveapetitionIshallcirculateitandthenwritemanylettersandalso-- [Translation for screen readers: --college community here have a petition I shall circulate it and then write many letters and also--]
Little Zip 1: Tired!
Little Zip 2: Angry!
Little Zip 3: Revolt!
Panel 3:
Ramsay: --articlessothatthesituationmayberesolvedandwecanonceagaingetsomesleepsobgoodbye-- [Translation for screen readers: --articles so that the situation may be resolved and we can once again get some sleep sob goodbye--]
Little Zip 1: Protest!
Little Zip 2: Bedtime!
Little Zip 3: Yay!
Panel 4:
Marie: ...What were the little wee--
Casey: Daughters.
Marie: Ah.
Alt-Text: Just wait until the grandkids start appearing.