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Friday, April 23, 2010

West of Bathurst 682

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Thanks to everybody who saw and responded to the long, impassioned plea for help posted yesterday in this space. (Actually, only two people responded, but I also posted the plea on a message board, and people gave me lots and lots of useful advice.) What basically happened was that I needed to delete some page numbers from the WoB book (it's coming along, by the way), and frickin' Microsoft Word wouldn't let me. I have now learned the fifteen or so steps required for page-number deletion. It only took me all day. User-friendly, my booty.

Friday, April 23, 2010
Panel 1: In the Davies College quadrangle, during the end-of-year barbecue, Marie pops out from behind a wall and surprises Casey.

Marie: Casey!

Casey: Aaugh!

Panel 2: Marie backs Casey into a corner.

Marie: Did you really think you could avoid me forever?

Casey: I had extremely high hopes.

Panel 3:

Marie: All I want you to do is admit what you saw that day at my place.

Casey [points wildly]: I have absolutely no idea what you shiny object!

Panel 4:

That doesn't actually work.

Casey: I had extremely high hopes.

Alt-Text: It does work sometimes, albeit usually with children under the age of three.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014