Panel 1: At the Davies College end-of-year barbecue, Casey and Marie are arguing near one of the ponds as everybody watches them.
Casey [reaches out to Marie]: Marie--
Marie: Shut up!
Casey: No, I--
Marie: Don't touch me!
Panel 2: She shoves Casey, unbalancing him. As he falls into the pond, he grabs Marie by the wrist.
Casey: Not alone! Not this time!
Panel 3: Casey and Marie fall into the pond as Sara, Barbara, and Rahim watch. Barbara has her hands pressed against her mouth.
Panel 4:
Marie: Oh, good; let's draw more attention to ourselves!
Casey: Póg mo
thóin! [Kiss my ass!]
Rahim [drags Barbara away]: Let's go get some towels for when the Irish screaming has stopped.
Alt-Text: Just for the record, that is not a nice thing Casey is saying there.