Panel 1: In
Marie's favourite basement nook at Davies College, Casey, Rahim, and
Marie are sitting on the couch. Rahim is in the middle. Casey and
Marie, both wet from their fall into the pond, are huddled in blankets
at the extreme ends of the couch. They're facing grumpily away from
each other.
Rahim [to Casey]: Have we got our English back?
Casey: Yes.
Panel 2:
Rahim [to Marie]: Have we achieved a state of mind in which we are not overreacting to everything?
Marie: Yes.
Panel 3:
Rahim: Then we must be willing to stop glaring and start talking.
Panel 4: Rahim gets up and walks away.
Rahim: And by "we," I mean "goodbye."
Marie [mutters]: And be "willing," you mean "aaaargh noooo."
Alt-Text: And by "awkward," we mean...well, yeah.