Panel 1: Casey and Marie are sitting on the couch in Marie's favourite nook in the Davies College basement.
Marie: Would you like to know exactly how you have made my life a living hell for the past year and a half?
Casey: Uh...
Panel 2:
When I was nineteen, I went out with some friends, got wasted, and
ended up in the hospital with a concussion and a dislocated knee. I
still don't know how; my friends wouldn't even admit to seeing me that
Panel 3:
The next day, after I got home, my parents had a screaming fight. It
was about me, but I might as well not have been there. They just yelled
at each other about what a screw-up I was.
Panel 4:
Casey: I sense this story is not going to end well.
Marie: I can see why they call you a genius.
Alt-Text: Personally, I think this story is going to end with rainbows and puppies.