Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies College, Rahim approaches Marie.
Rahim: Just to warn you, Weird Beard is h--
Weird Beard zips right up to Marie.
Weird Beard: So how are you liking the new Doctor Who?
Panel 2: Marie immediately geeks out.
Marie: Ooh! Eleven is insane!
And it's gone funny again, and they brought back the Weeping Angels,
but I don't think I like the colour-coded Daleks, and then...and...
Panel 3: Marie undergoes a squirm of realisation.
Panel 4: She buries her face in her hands as Rahim pats her on the back.
Marie: ...I share another interest with him, don't I?
Rahim: Yes. Yes, you do.
Weird Beard [walks away]: Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey...hee hee!
If they're not running around the quad screaming "EXTERMINATE!" at each
other by the end of the summer, something has truly gone wrong with the