Panel 1: In
the Puffy Couch Room in the basement of Davies College, Weird Beard
finds a middle-aged white man sitting on the couch, watching TV.
Weird Beard: Oh! Hello.
Man: Go away.
Panel 2:
Man: Can't you see I'm trying to watch TV? I can't believe how rude people are here. Go away.
Panel 3: Weird Beard sits down next to the man.
Panel 4: As Marie and Rahim watch from behind the couch, Weird Beard slings an arm around the man and, beaming hugely, screams directly into his face.
Weird Beard: OH! HELLO!
Rahim: This is going to be the best summer ever.
Alt-Text: One good thing about irritating summer residents is that you can always sic 'em on OTHER irritating summer residents.