Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, two characters from the TV show Doctor Who, the
Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond, have just left the TARDIS. The
Doctor is holding his sonic screwdriver out towards Marie and Weird
Beard, who are nearby. Marie points at the Doctor in excitement as
Weird Bear rubs his hands together. Rahim, watching all this, doesn't
seem to know what to make of it.
Panel 2: Somewhere in Davies College, Weird Beard zips up behind Marie and Rahim.
Weird Beard: Tonight! Are you going to watch the finale of--
Marie: Hell, yeah!
Panel 3: Rahim watches as Marie and Weird Beard go into a fandom-induced huddle.
Marie: Ooh! Ooh. It's so exciting, and I don't know how they're going to get out of this one.
Weird Beard: Timey-wimeyness, probably. I don't even care!
Panel 4:
Marie: Did you notice the Merlin imagery?
Weird Beard: What?...oh!
Marie: I know, right?
Weird Beard: The Seventh Doctor was Merlin!
Marie: I KNOW!
Panel 5: Weird Beard pulls out a tiny Eleventh Doctor action figure.
Marie: Vincent Van Gogh and the TARDIS! And...!
Weird Beard: I have a little Doctor action figure with a detachable bow tie.
Marie: I want one.
Panel 6: Rahim is, by this point, crossing his arms and glaring. Marie notices as she speaks.
Marie and Weird Beard [simultaneously]: "Silence will fall. Silence will fall. Silence will--"
Panel 7:
Marie: I'm allowed to be a helpless geek every one in a while.
Rahim [walks away]: "Every once in a while"...heh.
Alt-Text: I hereby raise my glass to various fandoms. Long may you obsess and speak entirely in code!