Panel 1: Marie and Casey are on the patio on the roof of Marie's building, looking out over the G20 riots.
Casey: There...those guys in black are the ones smashing things. Most people aren't.
Marie: But the cops are gassing them all. I'm glad I'm not down there.
Marie's phone rings.
Panel 2:
Marie: He--
Barbara [on the phone]: I was just walking along the street! They're chasing us with horses!
Panel 3:
Marie: Barbara?
Barbara [on the phone]: Aaugh...baton! There's a wall of shields! If I get arrested, don't tell my parents!
Panel 4:
Marie [to Casey]: I'm still glad I'm not down there, but now I feel guilty too.
Barbara [on the phone]: Aieeee!
Alt-Text: Barbara's middle name is not really "Anne"; it's "In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time."