Panel 1: Rahim, Marie, and Casey sit on Marie's futon. Barbara is next to them in a chair, reading Middlemarch as the others talk.
Rahim: Do you know why you're not...well...freaking out this year?
Marie: Not really.
Panel 2:
Marie: My therapist always said I needed to get certain things off my chest, but I never did...or not to her, at any rate.
Rahim: "Not to her"?
Panel 3:
Marie: Yeah, I haven't told anyone except...uh...
She looks sidelong at Casey.
Panel 4: Marie leaps to her feet and points at Casey.
Marie: It cannot possibly be that simple!
Casey: ...No...?
Barbara [oblivious]: No, Dorothea...don't marry him!
Alt-Text: It's really very obvious that Dorothea shouldn't marry Mr. Casaubon. It's just too bad it takes her 600 pages to realise it.