Here is last Monday's comic on Saturday morning. I may catch
up eventually. I only have to mark seventeen papers, plus
four hundred and eighty discussion responses, plus one hundred and
twenty more essays, since
there is, in fact, another essay due tomorrow. There will
also be an additional four hundred and eighty discussion responses
to get through before the end of the course. I need help. The anniversary panel has now been linked on the Miscellaneous page, just for fun. |
Monday, July 26, 2010 |
Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies College, Baldwin sidles winningly up to Rahim. Baldwin: Can I move in with you? Rahim: No. Panel 2: Somewhere else in Davies College, Baldwin approaches Barbara. Baldwin: Can I move in with you? Barbara: Do you like sleeping curled up under a table? Panel 3: In yet another Davies College location, Baldwin puts an arm around Marie. Baldwin: Can I move in with you? Marie: I'm not that crazy. Panel 4: Baldwin is in the Davies College porter's lodge, standing in front of Kenneth with his hands clasped. Frankie comes up behind him. Baldwin [to Kenneth]: Can I move in with you? Frankie: We need to talk. Alt-Text: Now, THAT would be an odd-couple comedy. Go to commentary |