Panel 1: In
the Davies College foyer, Marie is looking at a poster that reads "2010
CBC Davies Lecture: Slayer Fun: [Unintelligible Subtitle] / Couplas
Dougland"...which is, of course, my terrible punny version of the title
of the actual 2010 Massey Lecture by Douglas Coupland. I don't know why
I do these things. Anyway...Baldwin approaches Barbara.
Baldwin: What's wrong with Marie?
Barbara: Casey's missing.
Panel 2: Alix, still carrying all her bags, walks through the foyer.
Baldwin: Missing? But. It. He. There's...noooo. Nooooo. Noooooooo. Nooooo! No no no no noooooo.
Panel 3: Alix and Barbara watch Baldwin in bafflement.
Baldwin: Nooooo. No no noooo.
Panel 4: Baldwin is gone.
Alix: Please reassure me that this place is not a lunatic asylum.
Barbara: I just can't lie convincingly enough for that.
Alt-Text: They'll only really be in trouble if he switches from "Noooooo" to "Braaaaaains."