Panel 1: In
the Davies College basement, Baldwin is talking to Steve as a young
woman passes them. Baldwin is cringing, a hand over his face.
Steve: Casey's missing? Our folk band! Horrors!
Panel 2: The young woman is talking to another woman and a man somewhere in Davies.
Woman 1: Casey Mulligan has run off and started a folk band.
Woman 2: I always knew he would.
Panel 3: Four Junior Fellows, two men and two women, are walking through the Davies quadrangle.
Man 1: Casey's moved to rural France to study the fiddle. He's also joined a monastery.
Man 2: Interesting.
Panel 4: Yet another man approaches Alix and Barbara, who are still in the Davies foyer.
Man 3: Casey has been captured by medieval French-speaking space monks with pink violins for faces!
Alix: You said "Casey is missing" twenty-five seconds ago.
Barbara: Welcome to Davies.
Alt-Text: It's like Broken Telephone, only with insanity added in.