Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Barbara is dressed
as an artist (beret and all) and painting a huge work of art that is
mostly a dark-blue background with grasping black claws and ghost faces
in it. She's putting the finishing touches on the words "West of
Bathurst" (in dull red).
Panel 2: Somewhere
in Davies College, Barbara is holding a little recording device out
towards a young woman with black hair and brown skin.
Woman 1: I'm Mikaela; I'm in Zoology. I plan to finish my Ph.D. in four years.
Panel 3: Now Barbara is interviewing a brown-haired white man and a black-haired East Asian man.
Man 1: John...Poli-Sci. Five years.
Man 2: Scott, in French Lit. Four years for me.
Panel 4: Barbara interviews a brown-haired white woman and a blond white man.
Woman 2: Rebecca: Computer Engineering. Probably five years.
Man 3: Patrick. Classics. Bet my sister I'd be out in three.
Panel 5: Marie approaches as Barbara talks to Alix, a young white woman with brown hair, and a man with dark brown hair and brown skin.
Alix: Alix...Physics. Four or five years.
Man 4: Hans, starting English. Four years, no question.
Panel 6: Everyone is gone except Barbara and Marie.
Marie: Dare I ask?
Barbara: I'm planning an art piece, but I'll have to wait to finish it.
Panel 7:
That will happen ten years from now, when I record these people sobbing
hysterically because they still have three chapters to write.
Marie: Deep.
Alt-Text: It's art because it embodies despair.