Panel 1: Marie, looking discouraged, enters her apartment.
Panel 2: Evil Marie is there to greet her.
Evil Marie: Uh. Hi. Don't come in here.
Marie: Excuse me?
Evil Marie: You really don't want to see this.
Marie: Oh, get out of my way.
Panel 3:
Evil Marie: No, wait. You know how I'm a manifestation of your subconscious?
Marie: So?
Evil Marie: It's possible your subconscious has been manifesting some more.
Panel 4: Marie
stands in her bedroom doorway with Evil Marie peering around her. Casey
appears to be sitting on her bedroom floor, chained to the bed.
Evil Marie: And to be quite frank, it's freaking me the hell out.
Marie: I can understand that, yes.
Alt-Text: This is the part where everybody goes, "Huh?", then pelts me with rotten fruit. Go on...I'm ready for ya.