Panel 1: Marie sits crossed-legged on her bedroom floor, in front of the creepy chained imaginary version of Casey.
Marie: Who are you?
Chained Casey: I don't know.
Marie: Why are you here?
Chained Casey: Where's "here"?
Panel 2:
Marie: You can see--
Chained Casey: I can't see anything. It's dark here, and cold, and there's pain. And now...voices.
Panel 3: Marie climbs up onto her bed to consult with Evil Marie.
Marie: He's blind.
Evil Marie: It is blind. It. Stop thinking of it as a person!
Panel 4:
Marie: I think of you as a person.
Evil Marie: And to be completely honest, I've always wondered why.
Alt-Text: Well, you're either a person or a computer with Vista on it. Nothing else could manage to be quite so maddening.