Panel 1: Rahim
and Barbara are at the Hallowe'en party in the Davies College common
room. Rahim is dressed in ordinary clothes; Barbara wears a nametag
reading, "I am not Barbara."
Rahim: Have you seen Marie?
Barbara: Nope.
Panel 2:
Barbara: She'll be here.
Rahim: It's nearly eight already. I've tried calling, but she's not picking up.
Panel 3:
Barbara: You are an unrepentant mother hen.
Rahim: Yeah...I know. I'm sorry. I'm sure she's perfectly fine.
Panel 4: Marie and Evil Marie are sitting on the floor of Marie's bedroom, staring at the creepy Casey hallucination.
Evil Marie: Your chronic hallucinations are making you miss the Hallowe'en party.
Marie: Thank you so much for letting me know.
Alt-Text: Clearly, Baldwin's costume is something along the lines of "Small Man Carrying GREAT BIG GUN."