1) Sorry for the delay, everyone. I was marking until
5:30 a.m. I did work on the comic during breaks, but by 5:30,
I still had about an hour's worth of work remaining, and I was
really. Freaking.
Tired. As it turns out, it's a good thing I went
to bed when I did, as the cursed endless construction on my
building started again at about nine this morning. Well...I
got three-and-a-half hours of sleep, at any rate. Yay...? 2) The Hallowe'en header has, alas, been retired. It can now be found on the Miscellaneous page. |
Monday, November 1, 2010 |
Panel 1: Marie walks into her bedroom and sees that Caid is gone. Marie: ...Caid? Panel 2: Looking shifty, Marie pulls the comforter off her bed. Panel 3: She puts the comforter on her futon in the living room as Evil Marie watches. Evil Marie: What are you doing? It's gone. Marie: My hallucinations tend to recur. Panel 4: Marie gets under the covers. Evil Marie sits down on the futon. Marie: And I am not waking up at three a.m. to find a nonexistent amnesiac chained to my bed. Evil Marie: Okay, good point. Alt-Text: "If he told me I was to be visited by three spirits and taught the true meaning of Christmas, I would just freaking LOSE IT." Go to commentary |