Panel 1: Steve and Barbara are somewhere in Davies College. Barbara is picking at a ukulele.
Steve: Look, it's a nice ukulele, but we've still got only you and m--
Barbara: Wait.
Panel 2: A young woman approaches.
Woman 1: Oooh. I love that! Don't go away; I'll get my banjo.
Panel 3: Two more men and a woman appear.
Man 1: I want to see what that sounds like with a mandolin.
Woman 2: And my tin whistle.
Man 2: Anyone for spoons?
Panel 4: Abruptly, Barbara and Steve are in the middle of a jam session. Barbara holds her ukulele out to Steve.
Barbara: Say aloha to my little recruitment tool.
Voice From Off Panel: Double bass coming through!
Alt-Text: All they need is a guitarist to offer them his axe and a fiddler his bow, and they'll be ready to set off for Mordor.