Saturday, November 13, 2010 |
Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Barbara glares at
the gigantic title page of an essay. The paper's title is "None of This
Is Significant: Some Stuff About Literature." Someone has written
question marks all over it in red pen, plus the words "West of
Bathurst" and "by Kari Maaren." Panel 2: Barbara is sitting at a table with a pile of student essays in front of her. She holds one up. Barbara: So what? Panel 3: She stands up and glowers down at the essay. Barbara: So what? So what, so what, so what? Panel 4: She waves the essay around angrily. Barbara: So. What. So. What. So. Bloody. The hell. What? Panel 5: She crumples up the essay in a fit of uncontrollable rage. Barbara: SO WHAAAAAARRRRGHH-- Panel 6: Marie, wide-eyed, watches Barbara tear the essay into hundreds of tiny pieces. Panel 7: Marie picks up the heap of essay bits as Barbara buries her face in her hands. Marie: This essay has paid dearly for the terrible crime of irrelevance. Barbara: So what? Alt-Text: One of the profs in my department has made up a batch of "So what?" buttons and distributed them to his students. I think he should market them online; every English prof in the world would buy a batch. Go to commentary |