Special Christmas Header: Rahim,
Baldwin, Frankie, Marie, and Barbara are decorating a Christmas tree.
Baldwin grins and holds up a tangled snarl of lights while Barbara
glares at an angel tree topper. The text reads, in festive font, "West
of Bathurst by Kari Maaren."
Panel 1: Marie is outside one of the washrooms in the Davies College basement. Rahim is inside.
Marie: Can I get you anything?
Rahim [through the door]: ......No.
Panel 2:
Rahim: I plan to sit in here for the next hundred years or so, ruining your Christmas yet again.
Marie: Rahim...
Panel 3:
You're not ruining my Christmas. You've got the Norwalk virus or
something; it's not your fault. I just wish you were feeling better.
Panel 4:
Rahim: I would say something heartwarming, but I think I need to barf now.
Marie [hurries away]: Yeah, I'll be going out of earshot for a while.
Alt-Text: Christmas, two; Rahim, zero.