Wednesday, December
22, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 |
Panel 1: Marie and Nico are watching TV in the Davies College Puffy Couch Room.
Marie: You know Casey?
Nico: Yes. I knew who you were when you came in...sorry.
Panel 2:
Marie: But then do you know where he--
Nico: Not exactly. You need to listen to me.
Panel 3:
Nico: I can't help him; you can. You need to find him a replacement for what he's lost.
Panel 4:
Marie: Are you sure you're being cryptic enough? I could give you another go.
Nico: How thoughtful.
Alt-Text: The fat man walks alone through the grocery store at midnight.

Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014