Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie stares at
three snowballs heading rapidly towards her face. The motion lines
behind the snowballs are labelled "West of Bathurst," "by," and "Kari
Panel 2: In Queen's Park, Baldwin, smiling wickedly, throws a snowball at Marie, hitting her on the back of the head. Barbara watches.
Panel 3: Marie heads angrily towards Baldwin.
Panel 4: Baldwin and Marie throw snowballs at each other.
Panel 5: Marie and Baldwin are giggling madly as Marie smashes a snowball on Baldwin's head.
Panel 6: Marie and Baldwin wrestle in the snow as two elegantly dressed young women walk by.
Woman: So immature.
Panel 7: Marie shouts after the women.
Marie: We're Ph.D. students; we don't believe in maturity!
Barbara [holds a huge snowball over Marie's head]: You tell her.
Alt-Text: Maturity is overrated. I just bought a bright red hat with earflaps. Hurrah!