Panel 1: Barbara
has taken Marie to choir practice in the Davies College dining hall. As
the choristers mill around, the choir's director, a middle-aged white
woman, approaches them.
Director: Well,'re new.
Barbara: This is Marie.
Panel 2:
Director: Nice to meet you, Marie. Do you know what part you sing?
Marie: Uh...
Panel 3:
Director: Do you like to sing high?
Marie: No.
Director: Low, then?
Marie: Not really.
Director: In between?
Marie: I tend not to hit actual notes.
Panel 4: The director writes something down in her folder.
Director: Let's just put you down as an alto and hope for the best.
Barbara: Luckily, it's that sort of choir.
Alt-Text: Ironically, the alto part is often one of the most difficult (and I say this as a soprano).