Panel 1: Marie is sitting between Baldwin and Barbara at choir practice.
Baldwin: Come on, Marie...sing out!
Marie: I am.
Panel 2:
Baldwin: You're mouthing the words.
Marie: No, I'm not.
Baldwin: Yes, you are.
Marie: I--oh, all right, maybe.
Panel 3: Marie gestures at the music.
It's just...there are all these notes, and I don't know what they are,
and I don't want to make it sound bad, and besides, none of the songs
are in English! I mean, look at this one; it's
Panel 4:
Marie: this Elvish?
Barbara: More accurately, it's the Elven tongue Sindarin.
Baldwin: You should have been here last year; we did a piece in Semaphore.
The song sounds very impressive, but the translation of the lyrics is
basically, "Hobbits are certainly teeny little people, aren't they?"