Panel 1: Barbara, Rahim, and Marie are sitting together on a couch. Barbara has a book. Rahim is reading a flyer.
Rahim: I see the Winter Ball theme this year is "classic Hollywood." That's easy, outfit-wise.
Marie: For you.
Panel 2:
Marie: Why is it that the theme always forces women into elaborate period costumes, while guys can get away with suits?
Panel 3:
I mean, at the very most, you'll need to buy a hat. If I don't spend
weeks on research and way o much money on accoutrements, people will
think I'm not trying.
Panel 4:
Barbara: I plan to go in pyjamas.
Rahim: Everyone will know you're not trying.
Marie: Maybe I'll just stay home.
Alt-Text: I would totally go in pyjamas. They're comfy.