Panel 1: In the Davies College basement, Marie talks to Baldwin.
Marie: You're usually good at the Murder Game. Why are you freaking out?
Baldwin: I don't know!
Panel 2: He seizes Marie by the front of her shirt.
Baldwin: It's different this year. I'm not a puppet master any more. I'm not good at being one of the unwashed masses!
Panel 3: Sara ducks around a wall and touches Baldwin on the shoulder.
Sara: You're dead.
Panel 4: Marie stares at Baldwin's pants.
Marie: I see you're taking the whole "unwashed" thing literally.
Baldwin: Look at that: it's laundry day.
In the Murder Game, reactions to death range from indifference to
hysteria. The longer one survives, the more likely one will indulge in
the latter, though I have also witnessed some screaming tantrums on the
first evening of play.