Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, the words "West of
Bathurst by Kari Maaren" separate Sara from a young white woman in a
pink dress. Sara is aiming guns at the woman, who is throwing
heart-shaped confetti everywhere.
Panel 2: In
the Davies College basement, Marie runs into Sara, who is carrying a
huge heart-shaped box of chocolate with the word "Love" on it in
Marie: Whoa. Where'd that come from?
Sara: It's my prize for winning the Murder Game.
Panel 3:
Marie: ...Wait. Seriously?
Sara nods.
Panel 4: They begin to walk along together.
Marie: Well, I guess it makes sense. Symbolically, the catharthis of simulated murder ends in love.
Panel 5:
Marie: The huge heart counteracts any community-wide belief that the game's winner is, in fact, heartless. It works.
Panel 6: They walk along silently for a bit.
Panel 7:
Sara: Or maybe it was just on sale.
Marie: That's more likely.
The fact that the Murder Game tends to take place either close to or
simultaneously with Valentine's Day does please me quite a lot.