Panel 1: In Marie's apartment, Marie answers Casey's phone.
Marie: Hello?
Voice: Oh, thank're a woman!
Panel 2: Rahim watches as Marie tries to deal with this.
Marie: Uh--
Voice: When
you go snooping around on your girlfriend's phone and you find what
looks like a guy's name, you tend to get a bit paranoid, right?
Panel 3:
Marie: Wait a're doing what?
Voice: I--
Other Voice: Jake! What the hell--
Panel 4: On the other end of the call, someone is swearing lustily.
Marie: I think I broke the mysterious strangers.
Rahim: A typical hazard of answering possessed cell phones.
"I mean, she left it sitting on the coffee table! Of course I turned it
on and looked through her contacts while she was conveniently in the
bathroom. Wouldn't anyone?"