Panel 1: Marie and Rahim are sitting on Marie's futon.
Marie: Wait a minute...Schrödinger. Ursula Schrödinger! I have her last name.
Panel 2: Marie runs to fetch her laptop.
Don't get your hopes up. If her phone number's unlisted, she may be
careful to hide her other information too. It could take a lot of
detective work for you to find her.
Panel 3: Marie is looking at the laptop's screen.
Marie: No, look, here she is: Ryerson University, instructor of mechanical engineering, office hours on Thursday afternoons.
Panel 4:
Marie: Thank you, Internet age.
Rahim: Well, that was oddly unsatisfying.
I remember the days when if you wanted to know something about
kangaroos, you would go to the library and find a book on kangaroos. If
you wanted to find somebody, you would look in the phone book and hope
for the best. If you wanted to read a newspaper, you would buy a
newspaper. Times have changed somewhat.