Panel 1: Marie and Barbara are outside Ursula's office door. Marie has just knocked. Barbara is wearing her Sherlock Holmes outfit.
Marie: She's not here. Her office hours start in a few minutes, though.
Panel 2:
I deduce, from various subtle clues that you are too unobservant to
notice, that our quarry is, in fact, in her office and will open the
door in three...two...
Panel 3: Ursula opens the door. She looks quite different, as her hair is now shoulder length.
Panel 4:
Barbara: Not many people can hear the Sherlock voice and resist the urge to tell me to stuff it.
Ursula [to Marie]: Do you hang out with anyone normal?
Most people probably wouldn't be able to spend five minutes in a room
with the original Sherlock Holmes without wanting to punch him.