Panel 1: Ursula continues to tell her story. We see a ragged Casey hand Ursula his green jacket in Tim Hortons.
Ursula [in a caption]:
"I took the deal. I had no choice. For...certain reasons...Casey gave
me his green jacket. We arranged to meet again in exactly a year."
Panel 2: Back in Tim Hortons, Ursula's hair is longer, and Casey is his usual suave, groomed self. He smirks as he greets her.
Ursula [in a caption]: "At
our next meeting, I hardly recognised him. But we just went on like
that, year after year. Eventually, you started showing up too."
Panel 3: We
see a scene we've seen before: Ursula from last August, walking away
with Casey's doughnut. Casey is wearing his green jacket, and Marie is
watching, baffled.
Ursula [in a caption]: "I never violated the terms. At our eighth meeting, I gave back the jacket. Casey...went away."
Panel 4: We are back in Ursula's office with Ursula, Barbara, and Marie.
Barbara: For now. Dum-dum-dummmmmm.
Ursula: Much as I appreciate your attempts at comic relief, I think we're a bit past that by this point.
Alt-Text: Barbara believes it is her duty to provide the sound effects in this conversation.