Panel 1: Marie and Barbara are talking to Ursula in Ursula's office.
Ursula: Okay, look. Casey took you to the meetings four times, right?
Marie: He never explained why.
Panel 2:
Ursula: Of course not. If you'd known, you wouldn't have gone. It was because of this.
Marie: This what?
Panel 3:
This whole situation. You were his backup plan. He made friends with
you; he made you want to help him. Now you're running around doing
exctly what he wants: following the clues he made sure you would find.
It's all manipulation.
Panel 4:
Marie: You were right; I do want to punch you in the face.
Ursula: Yeah, I did say.
Alt-Text: At least Marie doesn't want to rip Ursula's head off any more.