Panel 1: Marie and Barbara are visiting Ursula in her office.
Ursula: Casey Mulligan is not your friend.
Marie: That's not true.
Panel 2:
Ursula: Don't you see? He planned all this. He knew I might win, so he made sure you knew the day I met him, and the place. He left you his phone so you would track me down.
Panel 3:
He was banking on you finding out about the deal. You realise he wants
you to find some desperate person to replace me, right? What do you
want to bet he turns up at Tim Hortons at noon on August twenty-sixth?
Panel 4:
Barbara: In a flash of light and a puff of sulfurous smoke.
Ursula: At this point, it wouldn't at all surprise me.
Alt-Text: She forgot the pitchforks and the eldritch laughter.