Panel 1: At the Davies College end-of-year barbecue, Nico climbs out of the pond as Rahim approaches Marie.
Rahim: Why did you throw the stranger in the pond?
Marie: He's Nico.
Panel 2: Nico is trying to leave. Marie snags him by the collar.
Rahim: Nico? The Nico?
Marie [to Nico]: Don't you sneak off; I'm not done with you yet.
Panel 3:
You told me to find Casey a replacement for what he'd lost. You forgot
to mention the possibility that he had been manipulating me since 2006.
Panel 4:Barbara and Baldwin are watching this all go down now too.
Nico: Oopsy daisy?
Marie: Damn right!
Rahim: It's funny how I never really want to understand what's happening.
Alt-Text: Marie always tries to drown people who are happy to see her. It's one of her little quirks.