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Saturday, April 30, 2011

West of Bathurst 868

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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie stares in puzzlement at an election ballot. The three candidates are listed as "THAT GUY / West of Bathurst," "THAT OTHER GUY / by Kari Maaren," and "THAT THIRD GUY." Someone has voted for THAT THIRD GUY.

Panel 2: In the Davies College basement, Wolfgang is arguing angrily with Reg.

Wolfgang: Harper!

Reg: Ignatieff!

Panel 3: Steve pops his head into the panel.

Wolfgang: Harper!

Reg: Ignatieff!

Wolfgang: Harper!

Reg: Ignatieff!

Steve [grins]: Layton!

Panel 4:

Wolfgang and Reg
[incredulously]: Layton?

Steve: Layton!

Wolfgang: Harper!

Reg: Ignatieff!

Panel 5: The three of them repeat "Harper!" "Ignatieff!", and "Layton" at each other incessantly, with Steve being the only one who isn't furious.

Panel 6: Marie approaches.

Marie: Issues?

Panel 7: Rahim and Barbara pass by.

Wolfgang: Harper!

Reg: Ignatieff!

Steve: Layton!

Rahim: Politics.

Barbara: Figures.

Alt-Text: Canadian politics: banging our heads against brick walls since 1867.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014