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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

West of Bathurst 877

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Panel 1: Marie sits on her bedroom floor with Caid.

Marie: So as far as you're concerned, you're chained in the dark?

Caid: Yes.

Panel 2:

Marie: How long have you been there?

Caid: You've never asked me that before.

Panel 3:

Marie: Well, I want to know now.

Caid: So do I. I get the sense I haven't been here forever. I...almost remember something different.

Panel 4:

Marie: You are the king of heart-wrenching statements that are also quite uselessly vague.

Caid: ...Thank you?

Alt-Text: He really does have a talent for making one go "Awwwww" without one having the least idea why.

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