Wednesday, June 15, 2011 |
Panel 1: Rahim and Marie are standing on a sidewalk in a residential area, arguing. Rahim: Hallucinations can be a sign of serious physiological or psychological-- Marie: I am not crazy. Panel 2: Rahim: I didn't say-- Marie: Yeah, well, you're thinking it, aren't you? Sooner or later, everybody does. Panel 3: Rahim: Whoa. Calm down. All I mean is that you need to see a-- Marie: I don't need a doctor. I have everything under control. Leave me alone! Panel 4: Marie is gone. Barbara, dressed as Sherlock Holmes, comes up behind Rahim. Barbara: Mood swings: check. Rahim: Seriously, do you just put that thing on and follow people around all day? Alt-Text: Who WOULDN'T want to dress up as Sherlock Holmes and follow people around all day? Go to hockey comic Special hockey panel: Under a notation reading "This is how I feel right now," we see a panel in which Rahim, Marie, and Barbara have just witnessed the Vancouver Canucks losing the Stanley Cup final. Marie, in her Canucks jersey, is particularly upset. Alt-Text: Damn it. |