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Friday, June 17, 2011

West of Bathurst 892

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If you missed the "I can't believe the Vancouver Canucks lost the seventh game of the Stanley Cup finals, destroying the hopes and dreams of millions of people and dooming Canada to an eighteenth straight year without the Cup while also apparently provoking a vicious riot even worse than the one that happened in similar circumstances in 1994" panel, click back to Wednesday's strip or go visit the Miscellaneous page. I actually got the panel up immediately after the game ended. I had two versions; they were identical save for the expressions on Marie's and Rahim's faces. (Barbara reacts the same way to wins and losses. It's just how she rolls.) As it turns out, gestures of joy and gestures of despair can be remarkably similar. I did stop working on the "winning" version in the second period. There didn't seem to be much point.

Friday, June 17, 2011
Panel 1: Rahim and Barbara, the latter of whom is dressed as Sherlock Holmes, follow Marie down the sidewalk in a residential neighbourhood.

Rahim: Marie!

Panel 2:

Marie, come back! Let's talk about--

Marie: No!

Panel 3: Marie is sobbing as tears run down her face.

Marie: There's nothing wrong with me! I don't need you nagging me all the time! Go away!

Panel 4: Marie runs away. Rahim and Barbara gaze after her.

Barbara: It's intriguing how much of a lie that was.

Rahim: You know, Sherlock Holmes is not known for stating the obvious.

Alt-Text: Well, it's obvious to HIM.

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