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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

West of Bathurst 894

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Panel 1: Baldwin follows an angry, dishevelled Marie down the street.

Baldwin: So what are we doing?

Marie: I don't care. Think of something good.

Panel 2:

Hmm...we could get some climbing gear and scale City Hall. Or we could build a giant wooden moose and burn it in Queen's Park. Or we could sit in the middle of the Bloor-Yonge intersection and play drums.

Panel 3:

Marie: Or we could do all of those things.

Panel 4:

Baldwin: Do I want to know why this is happening?

Marie: No.

Baldwin: Works for me.

Alt-Text: "And then we can get arrested! Gosh, this sounds like fun."

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